재즈 슬랭 S~Z
- 엠엠재즈
- 조회 수 503
[ S ]
*Sackbutt : 초기 재즈 시절에 쓰이던 지금의 트롬본을 일컫는 말.
ex) A New Orleans funeral procession ain''t nothin'' without a “sackbutt”
*Scat : 의미없는 음절로 부르는 즉흥적인 노래. (루이 암스트롱이 그의 노래 ‘Hot Five’에서 ‘Heebie Jeebies’라고 의미없이 붙인 가사에서 유래함.)
ex) I can really dig Dizzy''s new way of singing “scat”
*Scene : 분위기나 장소.
ex) In the late twenties, Armstrong was the man on the New York “scene”
*Schmaltz or Schmalz : 달콤하고 감미로운 음악을 하던 초기 스탠더드 재즈를 일컫던 용어.
ex) That Lombardo guy is sure popular, but he sure plays a lot of “schmaltz”
*Screwin'' the Pooch : 연주하는 동안에 큰 실수를 하는 행위를 일컫는 말.
ex) Roscoe must''ve had a bad day, cause he''s really “screwin'' the pooch”
*Send : 감동시키거나 자극하는 행위를 일컫는 말.
ex) Roscoe, you really “send” me.
*Sharp : 멋지다.
ex) Hey, Rufus, that''s one “sharp” looking suit of clothes you''re sportin'' there.
*Skins Player : (=The drummer) 드럼이 동물 가죽으로부터 만들어진 것에서 유래함.
ex) Man, we were all ready to have a little improv jam session but our “skins player” skipped out on us. There''s one cat that I''m gonna skin!
*Snap your cap : (=“Blow your top”) 열정이나 분노 등의 감정을 표현하는 프레이즈를 연주하다
ex) Hey, Buddy, calm down. Don''t “snap your cap”
*Solid : 지금은 거의 쓰이지 않지만, 스윙시절에 ‘훌륭하다’는 뜻으로 쓰였던 말.
ex) Little Jazz(Roy Eldridge) can blow up a storm, he''s really “solid”
* Sugar band : 비브라토와 글리산도를 많이 써서 이른바 달콤한 연주를 들려주는 밴드.
*Supermurgitroid (=really cool) 정말 훌륭하고 멋진 상태.
ex) That club was “supermurgitroid!”
[ T ]
*Take five : 5분간 휴식을 일컫는 말로 데이브 브루벡의 같은 곡명으로도 유명한 말이죠.
ex) Hey, Cleanhead, this is a cool tune and we''re blowin'' too hot. We oughta “take five”
*Too much : 최고로 훌륭하거나 뛰어나다는 뜻.
ex) Art Blakey is a fantastic drummer. His playing is “too much”
*Torch : 때때로 짝사랑을 표현하는 노래에서 쓰인 말.
ex) Nobody could sing “torch” songs like Peggy Lee.
*Tubs : 드럼 세트.
ex) Joe is really hot tonight. Listen to him pound those “tubs”
[ W ]
*Wail : 강렬하고 절묘한 연주를 말함.
ex) Count Basie did a tune called Prince of Wails - a clever play on words. Damn, Basie''s band can really “wail”
*Walking bass or walking rhythm : 역동적인 4비트 리듬 형식.
ex) I really dig the way Earl plays the 88''s. He plays the tune with his left hand and a “walking bass” with his right.
*Wax a disc : 레코딩하다.
ex) I just “waxed a disc” up at Rudy Van Gelder''s studio with Jimmy Smith.
*Wig, Wig out : 정신을 잃게 하거나 흥분시키다.
ex) I don''t know what happened, man, we were just sittin'' there and Louie just “wigged out”
*Wild : 놀라운
ex) It''s really “wild” the way Lee plays the trumpet
*Witch Doctor : 성직자
ex) Have you heard, Margie''s brother is a “witch doctor”
*Woodshed (or Shed) : 연습하다
ex) Duke was up all night “shedin''” that untouchable lick.
[ Z ]
*Zoot, Zoot, suit : 30-40년대에 나타났었던, 과장되고 유달리 헐렁해 보였던 옷차림.
ex) Look at that cat''s “zoot” suit. It''s crazy, man.
/ 이옥주

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